新关注 > 信息聚合 > Steam「聊天过滤」功能上线 玩家可自定义过滤规则

Steam「聊天过滤」功能上线 玩家可自定义过滤规则

Steam "chat filter" function online players can customize the filtering rules

2020-10-08 12:05:05来源: 游戏时光

  Steam 社区今日发布公告,称 Steam 实验室现已上线「聊天过滤」功能,该项功能可以模糊处理玩家聊天中的冒犯性内容与诽谤字眼,玩家可以自定义过滤规则。  据官方介绍,该项过滤功能包含了常见不雅词汇以及涉民族、宗教以及其他身份认同团体的诽谤性字眼,旨在帮助 Steam 用户进一步提升游玩交流中的体验,更好地进行自我保护。用户可根据自身实际需求选择是否启用该项功能。  同时,对于为何不直接采取“一刀切”的方式,完全屏蔽掉所有社交场景中冒犯性内容的显示,Steam 也做出了回复。官方表示,在用户评测、留言以及论坛等公开场景下,内容审查是必要且严格的。但在用户聊天这种较为私密的场景时,官方更希望将选择权留给用户自己。换言之,若玩家愿意,完全可以选择在聊天中显示包含不雅词汇在内的任何内容。  目前,该项功能暂时

Steam community announced today that "chat filtering" function has been launched in steam lab, which can blur offensive content and slander words in players' chats, and players can customize filtering rules. According to the official introduction, the filtering function includes common indecent words and slander words involving ethnic, religious and other identity groups, aiming to help steam users further improve their experience in playing and communication and better protect themselves. Users can choose whether to enable this function according to their actual needs. At the same time, steam also responded to why he did not directly adopt a "one size fits all" approach to completely block the display of offensive content in all social scenes. Officials say content censorship is necessary and strict in public settings such as user reviews, messages and forums. However, when users chat in a more private situation, officials prefer to leave the choice to users themselves. In other words, players can choose to display anything including indecent words in the chat if they want to. At present, this function is temporarily available

标签: 玩家 Steam