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Star Trek: time line "is expected to fall debut iOS

2015-08-25 13:11:58来源: TechWeb

对于科幻迷来说,《星际迷航》系列绝对是毫无疑问的经典之作。日前,曾制作过《权力的游戏:崛起》开发商 Disruptor Beam 宣布将在今秋上架一款全新的星际迷航主题游戏——《星际迷航:时间线 Star Trek Timelines》。该作号称是集结了星际迷航中几乎所有角色、设置,并从...

for fans of science fiction," Star Trek "series is definitely there is no doubt that the classic. Recently, he made the power game: Rise of developers disruptor beam announced the a new Star Trek themed games was added in the fall -- "Star Trek: timeline of Star Trek timelines". This is known as the build-up of the Star Trek role, almost all settings, and from...

标签: iOS 星际迷航