新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百万身价美女主播现身《5PK传奇》玩家见面会


Million worth of beautiful anchor appeared in the 5PK legend "the player will meet on 22

2015-08-24 19:04:32来源: 游久网


8 month, the 5PK legend" players meet in Chongqing International Fashion Center released successfully concluded. Fifteen years of trials and hardships, a legendary place nature is little not have brothers, the 5PK legend "as the grand genuine authorized, attracting hundreds of legendary old players attended to pay tribute to the classic, in this? And eight worth millions of the 5PK legend" rumble fish, banners beautiful anchor turns into battle and internationally for interactive games, Xiange nonstop and hand eight pass...

标签: 玩家 主播