新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【第三弹】犯选择困难症的我,在这几款Switch游戏里找到了「禅意」


[Third bullet] I found Zen in these switch games

2020-10-11 09:06:29来源: 游戏时光

  虽说手里欠着一堆游戏没补完,但玩游戏久了(游戏多了)我就会出现极其严重的选择困难症,总会在 ABCDEF…… 之间反复横跳,结果两边玩的都不尽兴,以至最后还是打开了 CoD 肝战斗通行证。究其原因,可能是因为想要打穿一款游戏多数情况下都要耗费十小时以上的时间。若不是工作需要,我可能很少能够一口气从头玩到尾,并且库存游戏太多的话(喜加一的困扰…),就会吃着碗里看着锅里,导致无法集中精神专攻一个游戏。  前些日子我打开 eShop 商店,像往常一样选了些价格不贵,看起来就没啥人玩的小游戏(没有贬低的意思),本次成功出镜的几款游戏价格确实很低,类型偏向益智游戏,但玩起来没有那么让人紧张,其中有一款游戏我甚至在不自知的情况下连续打了三个小时没放下手柄……  当然,本文所选择的几款游戏依旧仅代表个人喜好,如果各位在购

Although I don't have a lot of games left in my hand to make up for, I'll have a very serious selection problem after playing games for a long time (more games), and I will always be in ABCDEF After repeated jumps, both sides did not enjoy the game, and finally opened the cod liver combat pass. The reason may be that it takes more than ten hours to get through a game. If it wasn't for my job, I might rarely be able to play it all at once, and I had too many games in stock Will eat the bowl and look at the pot, resulting in the inability to concentrate on a game. I turned on eshop the other day The store, as usual, has selected some small games that are not expensive, and it seems that no one will play them (there is no derogatory meaning). The prices of several successful games this time are indeed very low, and the types of games are partial to puzzle games, but they are not so exciting to play. I even played one game without knowing it for three hours without putting down the handle Of course, the selected games in this paper still represent personal preferences, if you are buying

标签: 游戏 Switch