新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL手游《英雄联盟:魄罗快跑》:用机器人保护魄罗


Lol Tour "hero alliance: Soul Luo run: robots to protect the soul Luo

2015-08-24 14:12:08来源: 站长之家

[摘要] 英雄联盟魄罗快跑官方下载 火爆公测开启,号外号外,今日有昆仑代理的英雄联盟魄罗快跑手游,双端同时火爆开启公测,该游戏虽然是以英雄联盟为题材,但是令你大跌眼镜的却是,这是款跑酷游戏,对英雄联盟的剧情,跑酷的套路,相信这么逆天的套路,LOL迷们也不会错失良机的,抓紧体验吧。 “...

[the League of legends soul Luo run official download hot open beta, No. nickname, today there are Kunlun agent of League of legends soul Luo run hand travel, double ended hot open public measurement, the game although is in the League of legends as a theme, but make you surprise is. This is a Parkour game, the plot of League of legends, parkour routines, I believe that guards the routine, lol fans will not miss the opportunity, pay close attention to experience it. "...