新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电影风格潜行解密《Calvino Noir》将登Steam

电影风格潜行解密《Calvino Noir》将登Steam

Film style stealth decryption "Calvino noir" will appear in Steam

2015-08-23 21:19:06来源: 逗游网

近日由外媒公布的消息,经典的黑色电影风格潜行解密游戏《Calvino Noir》将会在8月25日登陆Steam和PS4平台,这部游戏以黑白色调为主,毕竟游戏中很多场景是发生在黑夜,带有浓烈的潜行色彩。 是实际游戏游玩中,玩家可操纵的角色达到十三个,这些角色形态各异,个性鲜明。玩家需要...

recently by the foreign media published the news, the classic film noir style stealth puzzle game "Calvino noir" will be on August 25 landing steam and PS4 platform. The game is mainly a black and white tone, after all, swim play many scenes took place in the night, with a strong color of the stealth. Is the actual game play, players can manipulate the role to reach thirteen, these characters are different, distinct personality. Players need...

标签: 电影 Steam