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《诛仙世界》“情空御风”评测抢鲜看 实景宣传片..

"Kill celestial being world" feeling empty Yufeng evaluation prerelease see on 18 real propaganda film..

2015-08-20 10:42:33来源: 电玩巴士

8月18日《诛仙世界》开启了“情空御风”删档测试,今日曝光游戏实景宣传片“逐梦争仙”,除了能在游戏中看到初登场的长生身影,还有芥子世界、动作竞技模式、诛仙剑阵、互为骑宠、奇遇系统等玩法,都将有所体验。 《诛仙世界》实景宣传片: 实景宣传片不仅展示出第四代引擎幻镜支持下的大世界,还...

8 month "punish fairy world" opened "feeling empty Yufeng" delete files test, today exposed the real game Promo "by dream Zhengxian", in addition to in the game saw the debut of longevity figure and mustard world, action sports mode, punish the sword array, each other for pet to ride, adventure system play, will have the experience. "Kill celestial being" real publicity: real videos not only show the fourth generation engine cloudland support of the world...

标签: 诛仙