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那些年的诛仙友情爱情 玩家脱坑前感言

Those years of kill celestial being, love, friendship internationally off pit before speech

2015-08-19 19:16:03来源: 多玩游戏

-----------风起 有时候,可笑人生如儿戏,说话似放屁。曾经说过不会玩网络游戏,结果却是因诛仙而破;曾经说过不会往游戏投钱,结果也是因诛仙而破;曾经说过不会牵扯儿女私情,结果还是因诛仙而破。回首有诛仙陪伴的这些年,不管现实人生如何起伏跌宕一波三折,然而虚拟诛仙却是一如既往的一...

----------- wind sometimes, funny life as a trifling matter, speaking farts. Once said won't play network game, result is due to kill celestial being and broken; once said not to game cast money, results are also due to kill celestial being and breaking; once said does not involve children of the affair, the result is because of kill celestial being. Looking back there are kill celestial being to accompany these years, regardless of the reality of life to ups and downs ups and twists and turns. However, virtual kill celestial being is, as always.

标签: 玩家 诛仙