新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩法全面升级 《小小三国志》正式登陆App Store

玩法全面升级 《小小三国志》正式登陆App Store

After the first day of brutal fighting, many apple end players found the game change really not only small in play fully upgraded "small history of the Three Kingdoms" officially landed in the app Store

2015-08-19 19:16:03来源: 不凡游戏网

由天拓游戏自主研发并发行的新锐三国军团混战手游《小小三国志》昨日正式登陆App Store,在经过第一天残酷厮杀后,不少苹果端玩家发现这一次游戏改变真的不只小小。不仅有超高AI的小兵,还有全新的军团战玩法以及技能玩法,策略团战全线升级,你的手指还跟得上脑袋的节奏吗? 军团争霸,指尖定三...

tiantuo game by the independent research and development issue and cutting-edge three Bianconeri melee Tour "little romance of the Three Kingdoms" yesterday officially landed in the app store. Not only have high AI soldier, and new army war games and skills play and strategy war across the board upgrade and your fingers with head rhythm?? Legion hegemony, finger three...

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