新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这才是真正的游戏众筹 《怒之审判》唤醒街机记忆

这才是真正的游戏众筹 《怒之审判》唤醒街机记忆

This is the real game all raise the wrath of the trial "wake up arcade memory

2015-08-19 10:49:43来源: 电玩巴士

快打旋风、名将、吞食天地、恐龙快打……对于很多80后玩家来说,这些经典的街机游戏就是他们青春的代名词。而随着游戏制作水准的提升,越来越多的“大作”占领了玩家们的游戏设备。但是,当年那种单纯的游戏乐趣却仿佛离我们越来越远。 一款以“怀念最初的纯粹游戏快感”为主旨的动作游戏《怒之审判》正...

Streetfighter, generals, devour the earth, Cadillacs and dinosaurs... For many 80 game player, the classic arcade game is synonymous with their youth. With the improvement of the production level of the game, more and more of the game equipment to occupy the players. However, the kind of simple game fun as if we are getting farther and farther away from us. One to "miss the first pure game pleasure" for the purpose of the action game, "the wrath of the trial" is...

标签: 游戏 众筹