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Star Wars: frontline, released the first DLC concept map

2015-08-17 18:29:08来源: 新浪

作为今年游戏界的重头戏之一,《星球大战:战争前线》在迪士尼D23展会中自然也是大腕。不久前迪士尼就联合EA为我们公布了一些《星球大战:战争前线》的新情报。 2015年对于星战系列粉丝来说绝对是难以形容的,毕竟《星球大战VII:原力觉醒》外加一部《星球大战:战争前线》游戏可不是什么常有...

as one of the highlight of the games sector this year, Star Wars: War front "in Disney's D23 Expo in nature is known. Not long ago, Disney on the joint EA for us to announce a number of Star Wars: the war front, the new intelligence. 2015 for Star Wars fans is absolutely indescribable, after all, the Star Wars VII: the force awakening plus a Star Wars: the war front "game is not what often...

标签: 星球大战