新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《苍翼默示录:战火重燃》苹果商店首页推荐超30天


The Tsang wing implied: Proceedings of the renewed fighting "the apple store home recommended over 30 days

2015-08-17 15:32:26来源: 4399

由飞流(FL Mobile)在台港澳联合发行的日系动作手游《苍翼默示录:战火重燃》,继上线当日获得台港澳地区App Store首页最佳新游推荐,12小时内进入台湾地区免费游戏榜第六后,上线20天之余,便位居免费榜第二,动作游戏分类第一。现在,《苍翼默示录:战火重燃》已连续在App Sto...

by fly flow (FL mobile) in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan jointly issued by the Japanese tour hand movements the Tsang wing implied: Proceedings of the renewed fighting", following the on-line day for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions the app store home best tour recommended, within 12 hours in Taiwan area free games list after the sixth, on-line more than 20 days, among the free list second, action games in the classification first. Now, "the wing of the dark wing implied record: the war of fire" has been continuous in Sto App...

标签: 苹果