新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新游早知道:首款沙盒仙侠网游《诛仙世界》


Travelogue early to know: first sandbox Xian Xia online games "kill celestial being world"

2015-08-17 16:29:38来源: 178游戏网

【本文由178新游戏频道原创 转载请注明出处】 曾几何时,一句“天地不仁,以万物为诌狗”揭开了诛仙的序幕,此后不论是小说还是同名网游,都曾让喜欢《诛仙》这个故事的人们难以忘怀。而今,带着这一份情怀,该系列的全新大作将再一次道出这九幽阴灵,诸天神魔的故事。今天,小编乌云便跟大家讲讲这个...

[in this paper by 178 new game channel original reproduced please indicate the source] once upon a time, a word "heartless world, to all things for the research of dog" opened a prelude to kill celestial being, then whether it is a novel online game of the same name, once let like "kill celestial being" the story of the people are unforgettable. Now, with this feeling, this series of new masterpiece will once again tell the nine quiet jieyinling, heavens ghost story. Today, the small series of dark clouds will tell you about this...

标签: 网游 诛仙