新关注 > 信息聚合 > 最“美”DOTA2赛事来袭,战旗TV将举办女子超级联赛


The "beauty" dota2 tournament struck, banners TV will host the women's Super League

2015-08-17 15:15:39来源: 电玩巴士

正当玩家们还在津津乐道TI5总决赛的时候,战旗TV又爆出将主办首届DOTA2女子超级联赛(DGSL)。看惯了DOTA2男选手们厮杀呼喊的电竞圈粉丝们,这次终于也就机会目睹一场福利满满又不失专业的美女玩家的对拼,更能上场一试身手,不知这次是水友带妹,还是妹子carry路人? DOTA2女...

legitimate players still relish the ti5 finals, banners TV broke will host the first dota2 women's Super League DGSL. Accustomed to looking at dota2 male players fight cries of E-sports fans, the last is the chance to witness a full benefits and professional Belle player to fight, can play a try skill, the do not know is water friends with sister, or sister carry passers-by? DOTA2 female...

标签: DOTA