新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪嘉年华邀请函曝光 暗黑3或将出新资料片

暴雪嘉年华邀请函曝光 暗黑3或将出新资料片

BlizzCon invitation exposure Diablo 3 or a new piece of information

2015-08-15 18:21:26来源: 178游戏网

近日国外知名暗黑社区 Dii.net 收到了暴雪发放的2015暴雪嘉年华邀请函。一个暗黑社区收到邀请函?这是否意味着暗黑3要有大动作了?不仅如此,这一波媒体邀请函既包括了今年嘉年华的主题图还附上了各游戏引人猜想的介绍语。你怎么看这封“信息量”极大的邀请函呢? 顺带一提,凯恩之角也将在...

recently foreign well-known the Diablo community Dii.net received Blizzard issued by 2015 BlizzCon invitations. A Diablo community received an invitation? Does this mean that Diablo 3 is going to have a big move, not only that, this wave of media invitations include the theme of this year's Carnival. What do you think of this "information" great invitation? By the way, Kaine will also be in the corner...

标签: 暴雪 嘉年华