新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电竞圈不老的常青树 钻二战神孙亚龙

电竞圈不老的常青树 钻二战神孙亚龙

Evergreen tree of gaming circles not old drill two ares to

2015-08-15 09:16:48来源: 锐派游戏

曾经DNF的白手剑舞之红颜笑,LOL赛场常年空大的琴女,以及现在常年直播在钻二钻三挣扎的父子二人组。笑笑一直活跃在电(zuo)竞(si)的舞台。今天小编就来强行吹(hei)下常年空大,最爱红水晶,辅助不买眼,黑人不眨眼的笑笑。 看看笑笑以前清秀的面庞,茂密的毛发。反正打死我也不能跟现...

once DNF Baishou dance beauty to smile, lol field perennial empty big female harp, and now the perennial live in the drilling of two drill struggle between father and son duo. Smile has been active in the electric (Zuo) Si stage. Today is a small series to blow (HEI) under the perennial empty, the most love red crystal, the auxiliary does not buy, black people do not blink of an eye. Have a look at the previous handsome face, thick hair. I can't talk to me...

标签: 电竞