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热游情报:WOW伊利丹变小鱼人 DNF全民天空套

Hot tourist information: Wow Illidan change fish DNF universal sky set

2015-08-16 00:58:58来源: 17173

本周,《剑灵》加入企鹅宠物,DNF普及天空套,DOTA2中国队TI5无缘冠军。 1.WOW嘉年华宠物曝光 伊利丹变小鱼人 13日,外媒曝光了《魔兽世界》暴雪嘉年华的专属宠物——伊利丹版小鱼人“奔波尔利丹”。 大家都知道,暴雪爸爸对小鱼人有一种特殊的爱好,历届嘉年华送的宠物也基本...

this week, the sword of the spirit, to join pet penguin, DNF popularity sky cover, dota2 Chinese team ti5 missed the champion. 1.WOW Carnival pet exposure Illidan changed little fish 13, foreign media exposure of the world of Warcraft Blizzard Carnival exclusive pet - Illidan version of the fish, Ben Pohl Leigh Dan". As we all know, Blizzard dad has a special hobby of small fish, the carnival send pet basic...

标签: DNF