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"Journey" official micro letter scales spree free play

2015-08-15 01:13:42来源: 17173

全新资料片——魂之战场8月14日全面启动!为庆祝资料片上线,“砸镖车领龙鳞大礼包”活动火爆来袭。现在玩家只需微信关注征途官方微信,就可参与活动,免费领取龙鳞大礼包,获得50个龙鳞的超值好礼。 活动时间:8月13日-8月23日24点 扫描或在通讯录上方点击"添加",选择"查找公众号...

a new piece of information -- the soul of the battle started in August 14th! On the line to celebrate the piece of information, "hit Biaoche collar long Linda packs" hot strikes. Now the only player to micro channel on the journey of the official micro channel, you can participate in activities, receive a free gift dragon Linda obtained 50 Dragonscale premium gifts. Activity time: August 13th -8 month 24 point scan or in the address book, click add, select the public number...