新关注 > 信息聚合 > 龟派气功《小悟空fighting》玩转横版格斗狂潮


Turtler qigong "Goku fighting" fun horizontal version of the fighting the tide of

2015-08-14 20:29:12来源: 不凡游戏网

精彩与纷争并存的世界,感受经典横版闯关格斗的巨大惊喜,《小悟空fighting》(现改名:龙珠炫斗)开启了一场声势浩大的幻想冒险。呆萌傲娇的角色,酷炫到不行的日漫画风,令人欲罢不能热血沸腾的BGM(背景音乐),带来燃点十足的格斗极限演绎。 经历众多拳脚无影,虎跃浪奔的街机格斗,格斗游戏...

wonderful and disputes the world, experience the classic version of the cross into fighting the big surprise, "Goku fighting" (now renamed: Pearl Flip Bucket) opened up a massive fantasy adventure. Stay Meng playfully role, cool to not Japanese comic style, is unable to stop the blood boiling BGM (background music), bring full of burning of the ultimate fighting deduction. Experience a lot of fist shadowless, Huyue wave rush arcade fighting, fighting game...