新关注 > 信息聚合 > 虎牙会客厅:Soju Yumiko 冠军面对面-对话13年的..

虎牙会客厅:Soju Yumiko 冠军面对面-对话13年的..

Huya Lounge: soju Yumiko champion face live face dialogue 13 years of..

2015-08-14 19:16:53来源: 太平洋游戏网

虎牙直播推出全新栏目《虎牙会客厅》第二期节目中我们很荣幸的邀请到了魔兽元老大神Soju和现今仍活跃在魔兽赛事舞台的中国三大人族之一的Yumiko进行一次冠军面对面,与广大玩家一起分享十三年的魔兽情缘。8月17日20:00,喜爱魔兽争霸3的玩家,一定不能错过这场冠军与冠军之间的心灵碰撞。 ...

Huya launched a new column "Huya reception hall, the second phase of the program we are honored to have invited to one of China's three major Terran Warcraft veteran God soju and today is still active on the stage of world of Warcraft tournament Yumiko was a champion face to face, with the majority of players share romance of Warcraft for thirteen years. August 17th 20:00, love of Warcraft 3 players, must not miss the heart collision between the champion and champion. ...

标签: 虎牙