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《烈火一刀》热血升级 全新系统盛大来袭

"Fire" knife blood system upgrade new incoming

2015-08-14 17:57:49来源: 不凡游戏网

硝烟弥漫,烈火重燃。备受玩家期待的全新版本即将上线,四大系统全新玩法,极致PK盛宴等你来战。神装锻造、排名雕像、结婚系统、夺旗战以其全新姿态闪耀登场,下面我们一睹为快。 【引爆战场神话 神装铸造不负众望】 神装铸造将增加70、80级的各职业橙色套装,将为角色提供梦寐以求的强大战力...

smoke, heavy fire. The new version of the game is expected to be the player is about to go online, the four major systems of new play, the ultimate PK feast, and so you come. God put the statue, forging, ranking the marriage system, encounter with its complete, we see it. [detonated battlefield mythology God installed casting expectations] God installed casting will increase 70, 80 by occupation orange suit, for the role provide dream bellipotent...