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巨人移动聚焦精品策略 提高发行门槛

Giant mobile focused boutique strategy to improve 14 news issued in threshold

2015-08-14 17:00:53来源: 07073游戏网

8月14日消息,巨人移动今日正式对外公布了“聚焦精品,敢担责任”的发行策略,60%的次日留存成为新游发行的门槛,画面和玩法成为首要竞争力。这意味着,厚积薄发的巨人移动在手握数十款IP实现弯道超车的同时,更是希望通过精品战略进一步提升品牌影响力。 巨人移动市场负责人就“聚焦精品”作进一...

8 month, the giants moved today officially foreign announced the issuance strategy of "focus on quality, dare to assume responsibility", 60% of the retained the next day as issued by the new threshold, screen and play become the primary competitive. This means that accumulate in the giant of the mobile in holding dozens of IP realize overtaking at the same time, it is hoped that through the quality strategy to further enhance the brand influence. Giant mobile market in charge of the "focus on quality" as a...