新关注 > 信息聚合 > 变身玩法《恶魔契约》8月20日开测


Turned play the devil's pact "on August 20, open test

2015-08-14 12:12:03来源: 爱拍游戏

由迅雷游戏代理的《恶魔契约》是一款由韩国Ginno Games开发的3D锁视角动作网游,将于8月20日开启二测,测试资格火爆发放中。《恶魔契约》以恶魔入侵阿尔卡纳大陆、猎魔人奋起迎战为世界背景,其中恶魔变身系统作为游戏的核心玩法之一,将让玩家感受到前所未有的杀戮快感。 积攒能量槽 变...

acting by thunder game of the demonic pact" is a by South Korea Ginno games developed 3D lock from the perspective of action games, on August 20, opened the second test, qualification test of hot issue. The devil's pact "in a demonic invasion of Al, Khanna, hunting magic rise up against the world background, among them the devil turned the system as one of the core game play, will allow the player to feel the unprecedented bloodlust. Accumulate energy trough...