新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电竞女王!重庆妹马雪的游戏之路


Gaming queen! Chongqing sister Ma snow game

2015-08-14 10:08:48来源: 华龙网

马雪 受访者供图 商报记者 张宇 实习生 林楠 她不仅是中国首个世界电子竞技锦标赛女性冠军,还是一个颜值超高的萌妹子。她叫马雪,在男子选手为主的电竞圈,她是真正的女王——曾获得《星际争霸2》世界冠军。近日,商报记者采访了这位从重庆走出去的90后电竞解说。 从小就爱打游戏 ...

Horse Snow respondents for figure Daily reporter Zhang Yu intern Linnan she is not only China's first electronic World Athletics Championships women champions, or a high Yan Zhichao adorable sister. Her name is Ma Xue, mainly in the men's player gaming circles, she is the true queen -- had access to the StarCraft 2 "world champion. Recently, the reporter interviewed the Chongqing daily from going out of the 90 gaming commentary. From an early age, love to play games...

标签: 游戏 电竞