新关注 > 信息聚合 > 让古典元素“活”在动漫游戏中


For most people today, the skirt armor is in the window of the museum collections for classical elements "live" in the animation and game

2015-08-14 08:31:26来源: 中国民族宗教网

《苍龙城》中栩栩如生的宋代人物 对于大多数现代人而言,裙裾甲胄是博物馆橱窗里的藏品;伽蓝寺、大相国寺的富丽繁华,永远停留在《洛阳伽蓝记》、《东京梦华录》的字里行间……2010年上海世博会,在中国馆内有一幅以《清明上河图》为蓝本、经三维动画再创作的长卷投影,将北宋汴京街市盛景活灵活现地...

"dragon of the city in lifelike figures of the Song Dynasty; Garan temple, Xiangguo Temple bustling wealthy, stay forever in the Luoyang Qielan Ji," Tokyo menghualu "between the lines... 2010 Shanghai World Expo, in the China Pavilion has a picture of the Qingming Festival by the riverside is modeled, the 3D animation creation scroll projection, Northern Song Dynasty Bianjing markets spectacular vivid...

标签: 游戏