新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易新印钞机《梦幻西游》手游霸占榜首135天


Netease new printing press "dream swims on the west" tour occupy the top 135 days

2015-08-13 18:29:39来源: 17173

近日,网易宣布《梦幻西游》手游注册用户突破3000万,5月20日网易首届游戏热爱者日当天,网易宣布注册用户达2000万,且在5月录得同时在线人数超过200万的记录。 网易丁老板 《梦幻西游》手游于3月26日登陆IOS平台公测,仅两个小时便登上免费榜榜首,上线近5个月时间,霸占榜首长...

recently, the Netease announced "dream swims on the west" tour registered users exceeded 30 million, May 20, Netease the first love of the game, on the same day, Netease announced reached 2000 million registered users and in the recorded in May at the same time in more than 200 million records the number of lines. Netease Ding boss "dream swims on the west" tour started on March 26 landing IOS platform beta, only two hours will be on board the free list, on-line nearly five months time, occupy the list head...