新关注 > 信息聚合 > 瑞典学校开设DOTA2课程 意在提高反应速度

瑞典学校开设DOTA2课程 意在提高反应速度

Swedish school opened dota2 course intended to improve the response speed

2015-08-13 12:20:28来源: 太平洋游戏网

如果你是更希望在课外时间训练电子竞技而不是足球的高中生,那么你可以叫你的父母把你送到瑞典去读书。 斯德哥尔摩附近的几所高中即将在2015-2016学年开设电子竞技课程,根据瑞典网站的报道,目前将有三所学校开设《反恐精英:全球攻势》和《DOTA2》课程。 这并不是玩笑,在报告中,学...

if you prefer in extracurricular training time electronic athletics and football is not high school students, then you can call your parents send you sent to Sweden to study. Several high schools near Stockholm are about to open an electronic competitive program in the 2015-2016 school year, according to the Swedish website, which currently has three schools offering "Counter Strike" and "DOTA2" courses. This is not a joke, in the report, learn...

标签: DOTA