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From Tencent obtain Apple Developer zone see mobile games over the next two years to

2015-08-13 11:50:57来源: 多玩游戏

7月30日,腾讯移动游戏平台两周年庆典暨全球移动游戏TOP制作人沙龙在上海举办,这场主题为“品‘味’游戏”的活动吸引了当前国内外移动游戏行业十位顶尖的制作人及多位相关的从业人员参与。 活动中,腾讯游戏副总裁吕鹏宣布苹果App store正式上线,用户可以直接在专区内浏览并且下载腾讯移...

7 June 30, Tencent mobile gaming platform two anniversary celebration and global mobile games top producer salon held in Shanghai, the theme is "'taste' game" activities to attract when both at home and abroad before the mobile gaming industry ten top producer and a number of related professionals to get involved in. In the event, Lv Peng, vice president of Tencent games announced the official launch of the apple store App, users can browse and download Tencent moved in the area...

标签: 手游 腾讯 苹果