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《死亡路口》手游 APP Store 限时免费中


2015-08-12 09:56:13来源: TechWeb

《Dead End HD》一款僵尸题材射击作品,玩够了植物大战僵尸,不如换个玩法来场人类大逃亡,游戏中你扮演一名在都市里唯一的幸存者与僵尸战斗到底。能否逃出生天就看你的本事了。游戏中拥有各种丰富的场景以及武器系统,玩家只需要突破僵尸的围攻,尽力干吊更多的僵尸即可!

Dead APP End HD, a zombie shooting game, playing with the game, you play a game in the city's only survivor and zombie battle in the end. Can you see your ability to escape from the day. The game has a variety of rich scenes and weapon system, players only need to break through the siege of zombies, try to do more zombies can!

标签: 手游 APP