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2015 Cologne game show "the furnace stone legend" five new brand announced the

2015-08-10 17:07:23来源: TechWeb

炉石传说参展最近召开的科隆游戏展,并且迫不及待的公布了五张新卡,各位小伙伴想了解一下这五张新卡吗? 4费 2/4 武具 萨满武器 亡语:你的英雄技能变成造成2点伤害。 萨尔你终于要熬到头了 4费 术士职业卡 稀有 当你打出或弃掉这张牌,对随机敌人造成4点伤害。 灵魂之火,大哥...

furnace stone legend exhibition recently held the Cologne game show, and can't wait to announce five new cards, you guys want to know about these five new cards? 4 fee 2/4 Wu with shaman weapon: your hero skills become a 2 point damage. You're going to have to go to the end of the first 4 fee of the professional card - rare when you play or discard this card, 4 points of damage to the random enemy. Soul fire, big brother...

标签: 游戏 炉石传说