新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《乖离性百万亚瑟王》8.11公测 将开放安卓版下载

《乖离性百万亚瑟王》8.11公测 将开放安卓版下载

"Well behaved from of millions of King Arthur" 8.11 beta will open an Android version download

2015-08-10 16:23:22来源: 4399

日本超人气卡牌RPG《乖离性百万亚瑟王》,曾在日本App Store创下火爆人气千万下载的惊人记录。8月7日,这款万众瞩目的日系卡牌之王正式登陆App Store中国区,立刻占据双榜前十,人气之高可见一斑。这款大作也即将于8月11日全平台公测,快来开启二次元之旅吧! 乖离性百万亚瑟王下...

super popular Japanese card card RPG of the deviate of millions of King Arthur, and worked in a Japanese app store hot popularity million downloads of the remarkable record. On July 8, this highly anticipated, card king of the brand officially landed in the app store in China, once occupied the two top ten, popularity as evidenced by the high. This masterpiece is also in August 11th the whole platform beta, come open two dimensional journey! Deviation of millions of King Arthur...

标签: 安卓