新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL亚索何时解禁?LOL亚索将于8月11日解禁


LOL arthorn when the lifting of the ban? Lol arthorn will be on August 11, the lifting of the ban

2015-08-11 02:11:14来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】今日上午11点多,腾讯英雄联盟运营团队官网发布关于LOL亚索解禁的消息,LOL亚索将于何时解禁呢?通告原文为如下: 亲爱的召唤师: 疾风剑豪亚索的缺陷:在特定条件下站在己方召唤师平台内即可攻击敌方英雄。已经在下个版本中完全修复,我们预计将于8月11日随着停机维...

[techweb reported] today at around 11 o'clock in the morning, Tencent hero alliance operations team's official website released news about the lifting of the ban of the lol arthorn, lol arthorn will be when the lifting of the ban it? Notice reads as follows: Dear Summoner: blast Jianhao arthorn's defects: under certain conditions station in allied summon teacher platform can attack enemy heroes. Has been fully restored in the next version, we are expected to be in August 11th along with the dimension of the machine...

标签: LOL