新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新游早知道:主PVE的美漫风FPS《无主之地OL》


Travelogue knew: Main PVE beauty diffuse wind FPS the Lord ol "

2015-08-10 15:24:47来源: 178游戏网

【本文由178新游戏频道原创 转载请注明出处】 喜欢玩FPS的玩家有福了,今天给大家介绍的《无主之地OL》是一款单机改编、美漫画风、主PVE的MMOFPS游戏。该作融合了整个《无主之地》系列中开放世界、RPG元素以及掉落系统等各种丰富的元素。作为知名厂商2K Games旗下独特的美式...

[this by 178 new game channel original reproduced please indicate the source] like to play FPS gamer blessed the, today to introduce the to ol" is a single adaptation, American comic style, the main PVE mmofps games. The integration of the whole of the "no lord" series in the open world, RPG elements, and drop system, and other rich elements. As a well-known manufacturer Games 2K's unique american...

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