新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我的世界与玩具熊不得不说的那些事 你撑得过五夜..

我的世界与玩具熊不得不说的那些事 你撑得过五夜..

My world with the teddy bears have to say those things you hold too developed by manufacturers animdude five nights..

2015-08-08 16:00:32来源: 4399

由大厂animdude开发制作的惊悚冒险类游戏《玩具熊的五夜后宫4》在上个月惊喜上架,而Minecraft创造家们一样喜欢这个系列的游戏,并由此制作了相关音乐、动漫视频,一起跟大喵来看看吧~ 玩具熊的五夜后宫小百科:在该游戏中,玩家将扮演“Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza”...

horror Adventure Games "Teddy bear five night harem 4" in the last month surprise shelves, and when minecraft scientists like the game of the series, and thus produced the related music, animation and video, together with the big meow see it ~ teddy bear five nights harem Encyclopedia: in the game, players will play "Freddy Fazbear 's Pizza"...

标签: 我的世界