新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《乖离性百万亚瑟王》拔剑出击 8月7日App Store..

《乖离性百万亚瑟王》拔剑出击 8月7日App Store..

"Well behaved from of millions of King Arthur, drew his sword and attack on August 7, app Store..

2015-08-07 10:58:58来源: 4399

日本超人气二次元卡牌RPG《乖离性百万亚瑟王》现已登陆App Store中国区,为iPhone、iPad和iPod touch用户独家呈现!由最终幻想等系列名作的著名游戏开发商史克威尔 艾尼克斯有限公司开发,魔禁系列作者镰池和马担任编剧,花泽香菜、钉宫理惠、福山润、樱井孝宏等著名声优加盟...

Japanese popular quadratic card card RPG" well behaved from of millions of King Arthur "has landed the app store in China, for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users exclusive presentation! By the final fantasy series of masterpieces of game developers SmithKline AI Weier Knicks Co., Ltd. development, magic ban series author sickle cell and the horse as a screenwriter, spent Ze coriander, RIE Kugimiya, Jun Fukuyama, Takahiro Sakurai, famous voice actors to join...

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