新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【获奖名单】送炉石传说正版周边:我的心头橙卡!


[list of winners] send hearthstone legitimate peripheral: my heart orange card!

2015-08-06 19:57:22来源: 4399

此次“我的心头橙卡”暑期晒橙卡活动,投稿阶段已经结束了,小伙伴们对橙卡(其实是正版周边?)果然爱得深沉,暴风雨般稿件已经把小编砸晕了(等等,让小编我缓缓神……) 怎一个赞字了得 这次晒橙卡活动涌现出了一大批锃亮锃亮的橙卡,总有一卡适合你!可惜橙卡们都不是小编的,就连正版周边也不是小编...

the "I heart the orange card" summer sun orange, submission stage has come to an end, the small partners to orange (in fact, legitimate peripheral? Really deep love, stormy manuscript has been the Xiaobian hit dizzy on Xiaobian I slowly God... ) how a word of praise terrible the sun orange activities have emerged a large number of gleaming orange card, a card for you. Unfortunately orange are not small series, even legitimate peripheral also is not a small series.

标签: 炉石传说