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白金工作室新作《无限边境》Xbox One独占!

One Xbox, Microsoft's Draconis

2015-08-06 18:05:32来源: 4399

4399手机游戏网讯,微软于2015德国科隆游戏展上公布由白金工作室出品的Xbox One独占作品《无限边境(Scalebound)》,游戏确定于2016年圣诞假期发售,并且本作将会包含多人合作模式! 游戏主角的名字确定了叫做Drew,他所处的世界名为Draconis。本作的游戏类型确...

4399 exclusive One Xbox, which was released on the 2015 German Cologne game show in 2016, the game is defined as Drew, and it will include a number of people. The game type...

标签: Xbox