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周杰伦LOL直播首秀 创明星代言网游新型态

Jay lol live debut as a celebrity endorsements 8 month family of online games model state

2015-08-05 18:56:11来源: 站长之家

站长之家(ChinaZ.com)8月5日消息,周董“我很忙”,除了在好声音当导师外,也是新晋奶爸,在今年6月份,周杰伦还签约腾讯旗下的MOBA网游《英雄联盟》担任代言人。 去年《英雄联盟》在游戏内上线了英雄联盟电视台,即内置在游戏里的视频直播产品,英雄联盟庞大的用户基数以及这款游戏造就...

webmaster ChinaZ.com 5 news, Jay "I very busy", in addition to in good voice when the instructors, but also new Jin daddy, in June this year, Jay Chou also signed Tencent MoBa net swim League of Legends as a spokesperson. Last year, the League of heroes in the game on the line of the heroes union TV station, which is built in the game in the video broadcast products, the hero of the huge user base and this game created...

标签: 直播 网游 LOL