新关注 > 信息聚合 > 8月5日TI5淘汰赛:赛事预告/观战聚焦/视频直播


August 5, ti5 knockout: pre event / spectating focus / live video

2015-08-04 23:28:50来源: 太平洋游戏网

TI主赛事已进行了一天,4支战队率先出局,包括上届冠军 Newbee,成为第一支出局的中国队。另外TI1冠军 NaVi、东南亚队伍 Fnatic和 MVP.hot6也已出局。主赛事第二天将有4场BO3对阵,下面我们来看看对阵详情。 8月5日 淘汰赛 胜者组BO3赛事预告...

TI main event has a day, 4 teams took the lead out, including defending champion NewBee become first team out of the Chinese team. Also TI1 champion NaVi, South East Asian team Fnatic and MVP.hot6 have also been out. Second days of the main event will have 4 games against BO3, we come here to see the details of the game. August 5th knockout winner group BO3 event notice...

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