新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL河流之王:不用怀疑!他就是用来坑队友的!


LOL king of the river: no doubt! He's just used to pit his teammates!

2015-08-04 01:46:06来源: 东北网

LOL新英雄河流之王登陆国服已经有不少日子了,关于他的好与坏,相信很多朋友都已经在游戏中有了深刻的体会。当然,一个好的河流之王,能够在游戏中有着非常不错的表现,保护ADC撤退,战略意义上的吞人,还有超远距离的传送。 当然也有很多玩家使用这个英雄,不是为了上分,而是为了找乐子。不过也有...

LOL new hero River King landed in national costume has many days the, about his good and bad, I believe many of my friends have been in the game have a profound experience. Of course, a good river of the king, to be able to play a very good performance in the game, to protect the ADC retreat, strategic sense of the swallow, as well as ultra long distance transmission. Of course, there are a lot of game player use this hero, not to divide, but to have fun. But there are...

标签: LOL