新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国手游与迪士尼推出《星球大战:指挥官》


China Mobile Games and Disney launched the "Star Wars: Commander

2015-08-02 16:27:18来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】8月2日消息,中国手游宣布与迪士尼互娱合作推出战争策略手游《星球大战:指挥官》。该产品由迪士尼研发,采用3D建模技术,对电影进行了高度还原。 据介绍,《星球大战:指挥官》( Star Wars: Commander )是由迪士尼互动打造的一款基于《星球大战》...

[Yesky News Channel News] news on August 2, China Mobile Games announced with Disney mutual cooperation entertainment launched war strategy of hand travel" Star Wars: Commander ". The product is developed by Disney, the use of 3D modeling technology, the film is highly reduced. According to the introduction, Star Wars: Wars: Commander (Star) is a model of interaction created by the star wars...

标签: 手游 星球大战