新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL最容易变成人头狗的英雄:那一脚忍不住要踹!


LOL the most easy to become a man of the head of the dog hero: that one foot can not help but to kick! Is the game

2015-08-02 07:59:28来源: 锐派游戏

LOL中“人头狗”是很多人非常讨厌的,其实有时候不是他们硬要抢,而是英雄自身的属性就带有“忍不住”的光环。当然也不排除很多人故意要抢人头,那么在联盟中有哪些英雄是最喜欢抢人头的呢?那些在游戏后期会变成人头狗呢?一起来看看他们,遇到了一定要加强警惕。 德莱厄斯 首屈一指,小学生之手德莱...

many people hate. In fact, sometimes they are not forced to rob, but the hero's own property is with "couldn't help" aura. Of course, do not rule out a lot of people deliberately to grab the head, then in the league, which heroes are the favorite to grab the head of it? Those in the late game will become head dog? Take a look at them, meet the need to strengthen vigilance. Darius's hand had come first on the list, pupils...

标签: LOL