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360手机助手与OSVR宣布战略合作 手游市场新燃料

360 mobile assistant and OSVR announced strategic cooperation travel market new fuel

2015-08-01 11:16:38来源: 安卓中文网

有一句很流行的话:“有钱就是这么任性”,用来形容当前手游厂商可谓非常恰当。近来,手游厂商不断寻找优质IP,一旦入眼便纷纷斥巨资“买买买”. 而如今,这个“买买买”模式或将终止。在2015年ChinaJoy中,中国最大的安卓应用商店360手机助手宣布与虚拟现实开放平台OSVR达成战略合...

have a very popular saying: money is so capricious ", used to describe the current tour vendors can be described as very appropriate. Recently, mobile games manufacturers are constantly looking for high quality IP, once pleasant to the eye will have to denounce is gigantic endowment buy buy buy ". Today, the" buy buy buy mode or will terminate. In 2015 ChinaJoy, China's largest Android App Store 360 mobile assistant announced a strategic partnership with the virtual reality open platform OSVR...

标签: 手游 VR