新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蜗牛时涛专访:PC版《九阳神功》9月份上线


Snail Tao interview: the PC version of "Nine Yang magic" September on-line

2015-07-31 21:25:41来源: 新浪

国产武侠MOBA游戏大作《九阳神功》在本次的ChinaJoy2015展会期间,蜗牛游戏公布了《九阳神功》端游版的大量全新情报,新浪游戏也在发布会之后对蜗牛游戏的副总裁时涛进行了专访,以下是专访实录。 《九阳神功》PC版的的进展如何?预计何时开测?大规模测试会在什么时候? 答:目前P...

made martial arts MoBa game masterpiece "Nine Yang magic," in the time of ChinaJoy2015 during the exhibition and snail games announced the "Nine Yang magic," the tour version of a large number of new intelligence terminal, Sina game also at the press conference after the vice president of snail game Tao interview, the following is the interview record. "How" nine mans power version of the PC? When is expected to open? When will the scale test be? Answer: at present P...

标签: PC