新关注 > 信息聚合 > 没有事业线去看什么 《魔兽世界》大电影将现身CJ

没有事业线去看什么 《魔兽世界》大电影将现身CJ

To see what the "world of Warcraft: the movie" will appear CJ

2015-07-31 12:00:42来源: 游久网


[swim long network on July 31, the message is different from the previous can be capricious large exposed business lines, underwear to steal the spotlight, ChinaJoy this year announced the all SG dress may not expose 2cm line business without business line. After the introduction of the regulations, many male players have said, there is no business line, we go to CJ to see what?" In fact, game player who need not despair! Recently, Netease for male players to bring super benefits, announced the world of Warcraft movie related...

标签: 电影 魔兽世界