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国内正版小丸子《樱桃小丸子之美食大冒险》 CJ首..

The genuine balls "the food of Chibi Maruko Chan adventures first..

2015-07-31 03:44:01来源: 4399

今年CJ上37游戏新品手游《樱桃小丸子之美食大冒险》参展,这个通过大家耳熟能详的经典IP改编的作品,IP与精品两大概念,在37游戏旗下的产品上,都得到了最完美的结合! 作为在这两年获得突飞猛进成长的国内游戏新生代巨头,37游戏今年的展位除了比以往设计更大气、空间更广阔之外,还将为观展游...

CJ CJ this year 37 games new tour the food of Chibi Maruko Chan adventure" exhibition, adaptation of this through the familiar classical IP works, two concepts of IP and boutique, in the game's 37 products, have been the perfect combination! As in the past two years has grown by leaps and bounds of the generation game giant, 37 games booth this year in addition to than the previous design more atmosphere, space broader outside, will also tour exhibition...