新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔兽跳票还有它 虎豹骑CJ开放VR体验

魔兽跳票还有它 虎豹骑CJ开放VR体验

World of Warcraft bounced and Butch ride CJ open VR experience leads of

2015-07-30 16:30:34来源: 新浪

导语:当可以用VR视角看暴风城全景的时候,过去玩魔兽的方式都显得弱爆了!可惜一拖再拖的暴雪最终还是“不负众望”地跳了票,而今年的ChinaJoy虽与《魔兽世界》电影无缘,却仍然可以看到许多游戏大作与顶尖虚拟现实设备之间的深度合作。 其中,网龙主推的战争大作《虎豹骑》尤为让人刮目相看,...

: when can a VR view to see the panorama of Stormwind, used to play world of Warcraft is weak burst! But drags the blizzard eventually "expectations" jumped the ticket, and this ChinaJoy although with "world of Warcraft" film, can still see many games with top virtual reality equipment between the depth of cooperation. Among them, the main push of the dragon war masterpiece "" let people sit up and take notice is Butch ride,...

标签: VR