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LOL玩家福利 EDG SKT1战队签名电视首现

Lol player welfare EDG SKT1 team of signature television is now the first

2015-07-30 15:15:04来源: 新浪

据业内人士爆料,酷开TV联手YY互娱进行跨界合作,将在7月31日上海ChinaJoy展上将签订战略合作协议,YY拥有海量的游戏直播资源,拥有众多的年轻用户群体,而酷开拥有超过千万的互联网电视运营终端,双方的强强联合,可以让用户能够在大屏上享受到众多的游戏直播内容。 届时,中国第一LO...

according to insiders claimed, cool open TV together YY mutual entertainment for cross-border cooperation, on July 31, Shanghai ChinaJoy exhibition will signed a strategic cooperation agreement, YY have massive Games broadcast resources, with many young users, the cool open with more than millions of Internet television terminal operators, powerful combination of both can allow users to on the big screen to enjoy many games live content. By then, China's first LO...

标签: 玩家 LOL