新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《花千骨》手游IP受众90后与00后


"Spend thousands of bone" tour IP audience 90 and 00

2015-07-29 14:23:09来源: 07073游戏网

2015年7月28日,天象互动CEO何云鹏对《花千骨》这款手游的运营之路做了介绍。 《花千骨》上线24小时内取得了App Store免费榜第一、畅销榜第二的成绩,这个成绩保持了大概两周的时间,而取得如此成绩的原因有以下几个方面。 产品 花千骨这一IP包含小说、手游、页游、电视...

2015 in July 28, the sky interactive CEO Yunpeng to "spend thousands of bone, this hand tour of the operation were introduced. "Flower thousands of bone" within 24 hours of on-line made the app store for free list first, the best-selling list in the second grade, the result keeps about two weeks time, and made such achievements have the following several aspects. Products to spend thousands of bone this IP contains novel, hand travel, page tour, television...

标签: 手游