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《新风云》ChinaJoy展台爆料 可获绝版手办毛绒熊

ChinaJoy booth of the new wind and cloud "broke the authorized out of print boxart plush bear

2015-07-29 13:05:11来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 马荣成正版授权,3D港漫武侠网游《新风云》将于7月30日至8月2日参展在上海ChinaJoy2015,与欢聚游戏旗下多款端游作品同时亮相N4展馆。 【看点1:封测版本抢先玩 顶配装备剑冢开战】 《新风云》已于近期启动首次技术封测,需要激活码。不过在今年的CJ现场,《新风...

Sina game news Ma Wing Shing genuine, 3D Hong diffuse the knight errant net to tour the new situation" will be on July 30 to August 2, participating in Shanghai ChinaJoy2015 and togetherness of the game's variety of side trips works at the same time bright phase N4 Pavilion. [aspect 1: beta version of the beat playing top with equipment sword Zhong war] "new situation" has recently started the first technical beta and need to activation code. But in this year's CJ site, the new wind...

标签: ChinaJoy